In accordance with the terms of using Monthly Ticket, it is personalized, non-transferable and limited on travelling ONE round trip of ferry/ordinary ferry service daily. Any abuse to get the privilege of Monthly Ticket as examples below are prohibited.
Passenger particulars is inconsistent with information printed on Monthly Ticket.
The above abuse not only against the terms of using Monthly Ticket but also violate the law. Monthly Ticket/Student Monthly Ticket/Multi-Ride Ticket is a personalized Ticket and is not transferable. No passenger shall use or attempt to use Monthly Ticket/Student Ticket/Multi-Ride Ticket without the passenger’s name and photo, or with the name and photo of another person. In case of any unauthorised use, our company will report to the police and confiscate the Ticket immediately. Moreover, such holder’s name will be recorded by the company and DISQUALIFIED FROM APPLYING FOR OR HOLDING ANY MONTHLY TICKET/STUDENT MONTHLY TICKET/MULTI-RIDE TICKET WITH OUR COMPANY thereafter.
Please comply with the terms of using Monthly Ticket/Student Monthly Ticket/Multi-Ride Ticket and enjoy a pleasant ferry journey.
Notice for Lamma Island Passengers
Notice for Peng Chau Passengers
Date:30 March 2021